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Professional Profile

  • Angel Investor; clean technology startups in the energy, water, agriculture and fintech domains.

  • Developer and Producer; interactive marketing/communications initiatives on energy/environment/climate. See

  • Consultant; international environmental initiatives for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, UN Environment (UNEP) and Development Programs (UNDP).

  • Architect and Urban Designer; multidisciplinary projects in environmental and energy research, design and engineering.

  • Facilitator; technical gatherings on energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean technology.

  • College Faculty Member; green design and human factors subjects. 

  • Sculptor and painter, working across media.

Clean Technology and Sustainability


Climate Change FAQs

Created an AI powered FAQ-bot providing ready answers on state specific climate issues and climate solutions at


Clean Technology Investor and Deal Lead

Responsible for leading due diligence teams and investment initiatives in a variety of startup companies involved with water, energy storage, energy efficiency and building technology. Board member and co-chair of committee for deal screening and due diligence. 


Cross Laminated Timber (CLT); Potential, Opportunities and Challenges

Evaluated the preliminary market for CLT in the Greater Seattle area for Forterra, a Seattle environmental not – for - profit client, and estimated the carbon capture and economic benefits and challenges to adoption of this innovative building technology.


EnViz; Consumer Focused Residential Demand Response

Developed proof of concept working prototype for a wireless residential demand response control system. System configured to operate independently of a smart meter, controlling large electrical plug loads, such as window air conditioning units, using either a desktop or a smart phone interface.    


Green and Cool Roof Feasibility for US Dept. of Energy Headquarters

Project manager and architect for feasibility/design study evaluating opportunities and benefits of green and cool roof options for two buildings at the DOE Headquarters complex in Washington, DC.


Moencopi Village Infrastructure Plan for the Hopi Tribe

Program Manager and planning lead to create an environmentally responsive, energy efficient infrastructure program for a new community associated with Lower Moencopi Village of the Hopi Nation, in Arizona.


HUD Energy Performance Contracting Assistance 

Program Manager for task order contract to assist Public Housing Authorities with Energy Performance Contracting process throughout the country.


Technology Pathways for Zero Energy Buildings

An editor/author for a U.S. Department of Energy white paper defining the main technologies necessary to reach a zero net energy budget for the nation’s residential and commercial buildings. A previous study estimated the national market and benefits of Zero Energy homes.


Update to U.S. Market and Benefits for Solar Hot Water and Solar Pool Heating Technology

Reviewed and researched and recalculated the market and air quality benefits for solar hot water and solar pool heating for the U.S. DOE.


LEED Consulting for Wilson Aquatic Center, Washington, DC

Consulting to achieve LEED Gold Certification on aquatic center for Parks and Recreation Department in the Northwest section of District of Columbia. Project included a variety of innovative features such as photovoltaic power, and an unusual water purification technology.


Photovoltaic Feasibility and Visitor Information Kiosk for Wilson Aquatic Center, Washington, DC

Conducted feasibility study for 100kW photovoltaic installation and designed visitor information kiosk explaining photovoltaic energy with real time photovoltaic production display.


LEED Consulting for Various Public Works Projects in Northern Virginia

Consultant to architectural design team to achieve LEED Silver Certification on projects including volunteer fire stations and libraries.


Sustainable Design Initiative: National Park Service

Invited contributor to NPS sponsored intensive workshop in US Virgin Islands to develop sustainable design guidelines for National Park Service facilities, and for resort facilities in general.


Green Systems for an Animal Care Facility at the National Aquarium in Baltimore

Coordinated a series of workshops with objective of identifying opportunities for energy efficient, green mechanical technologies at a proposed new facility to be operated by the Aquarium.


Urban Design and Architecture


Reimagining the Strip in Cascadia

Conceived and sponsored a design competition aimed at rethinking the conventional strip mall in view of changing climate, land use and demographics in the Cascadia Region. 


Destination Station

Conceptual design of science exploration center in the Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.


Lesley University Master Plan 

Prepared development plan and urban design guidelines for college located adjacent to Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Designed campus street furniture to reinforce school image.


Silver Spring Metro Center 

Design of urban park and streetscape amenities associated with a multi-building commercial development in the Washington, D.C. area.


City of Port Angeles Streetscape Design  

Designed streetscape to calm traffic and enhance pedestrian experience in this small city on Olympic Peninsula of Washington State.


Boston Redevelopment Authority: Neighborhood Improvement 

Program, design and construction documentation for alterations to several early 1900's commercial buildings, housing small businesses in Boston neighborhoods. 


Ventura Aquarium Conceptual Design

Project leader for feasibility study and conceptual design of proposed public aquarium and fisheries technology center in Ventura, California


City of Tacoma 

Waterfront Park, design and construction documents for visitor building.


Milford Hatchery

Design development and construction documents for a fish hatchery located in Milford, Kansas.


Governor Dyer Market Redevelopment

Redevelopment recommendations to convert a wholesale produce market in Providence, Rhode Island to retail orientation.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Audubon Society Puerto Rico 

executed programming and siting study for proposed Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Center in Caribbean National Forest. Identified and evaluated four siting alternatives.



Design, and construction documentation for more than a dozen residences located in Massachusetts, Washington D.C., Virginia, and Washington State.


Seattle Center Edges Study 

Evaluated signage and messaging system leading visitors to this municipal art and activity complex in downtown Seattle.


Environmental Planning


National Program for Control of Coastal Erosion in the Sultanate of Oman 

Project director for multimillion dollar, national level study of coastal erosion and recommendation of remediation measures. Included on site surveys of selected portions of national coastline, extensive interviews with government agencies, development of a GIS database of the national coastline and characterization of it by erosion sensitivity.


Spatial Database Supporting the Environmental Program for the Mediterranean 

Managed development of a Geographic System (GIS) database assisting the World Bank in making regional investment decisions.


National Tourist Strategy for El Salvador 

Evaluated national environmental regulations and institutions with respect to their impact on the development of a tourism industry throughout the country. Surveyed country to identify potential areas for tourism development.


Ecotourism Project for Tortuguero, Costa Rica 

Proposed an ecotourism strategy for a remote, coastal region of the country, involving a national park, and environmentally sensitive turtle nesting beaches.


Environmentally Sensitive Area Study, Presque Isle Park, Pennsylvania 

Conducted biodiversity study of unusual habitat on Pennsylvania shore of Lake Erie for Pennsylvania Department  of Environmental Resources which was input to a GIS database.


Ecotourism Potential for Sabana Camaguey Region of Cuba

Team member on a United Nations sponsored mission to evaluate a proposed biodiversity research and development project sponsored under the World Bank’s Global Environment Facility (GEF).


Fisheries Development in Mexico; Environmental Considerations

Member of a World Bank project identification team evaluating the opportunities for fisheries development throughout the country. 


Environmental Due Diligence for the Choluteca Dam, Honduras

Updated and evaluated the anticipated environmental impacts of a proposed dam project in the central region of the country including impacts of deforestation on siltation, sponsored by Japanese Overseas Investment Committee.


Masterplan and Environmental Impact Statement for Ship Harbor Marina 

Project leader for masterplan concept and preparation of Environmental Impact Statement for multiuse waterfront development in Washington State.


West Seattle Bridge Environmental Impact Statement 

Principal contributor to Draft and Final EIS’s for a major transportation project. Also provided architectural input to bridge engineering design team.


Iwokrama Tropical Rainforest Reserve, Guyana

Conducted site review of Global Environment Facility project in Commonwealth of Guyana for U.N. Development Program and the World Bank.


Nooksack Hatchery Expansion EIS 

Principal author of EIS for expansion of fish hatchery in Washington State.




Interactive Environmental Kiosks for the Federal Highway Administration 

Wrote, art directed and produced two interactive applications on the Transportation Enhancement and the Congestion Mitigation programs for the US DOT. 


Update to Congestion Mitigation Program interactive kiosk for the Federal Highway Administration

Produced a Section 508-compliant version of interactive kiosk to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.  Included screen reader utility and one handed keyboard operation among other functions.


Biopower Program Web Site for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory 

Edited, designed and built a web site to emphasize navigational ease of use, information finding power, and content for a renewable resource program sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Energy. 


Websites for the Federal Highway Administration 

Created web sites on the topic of Environmental Justice, Environmental streamlining, and NEPA facilitation for this agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation. 


Thermocline Driven Desalination for Lisbon World’s Fair

Wrote, art directed, produced and authored a kiosk program on a novel ocean technology for the Republic of Cape Verde. 


Online Learning Solution for the Graduate School, USDA 

System architecture, design and development of a web - based training environment called Amerischool. 


Cofiring Connection 

Wrote, produced, art directed, edited and authored CD/ROM presentation on biomass cofiring for U.S. Dept. of Energy. 


Visual Database of Transportation Enhancements 

Scripting, storyboard development, application architecture and graphical user interface design for a multimedia, CD/ROM database on transportation enhancement projects, funded by the Federal Highway Administration.


Shorepower LLC – System Design and Branding
Branding and website for company introducing an energy - saving truck electrification system and electric vehicle charging system to the marketplace.


HVAC Investor Tutorial

Wrote and produced an interactive tutorial for the U.S. EPA instructing HVAC sales persons in how to effectively sell up - rated Energy Star branded equipment to heating and air conditioning unit customers.  


Redefining the Architecture Profession Video

Executive producer/project manager for a high production value video, introducing a professional initiative to the membership of the American Institute of Architects.  Awarded ITVA Best Tape award.


Seeds of Change Exhibition 

Designer and project manager for creation and development of interactive computer game concepts on topics of environmental conservation and sustainable development for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. 


Genoa Aquarium Interactive Exhibits

Project manager for creation and concept design of proposed interactive Exhibits on the ecology of the Mediterranean region, employing Geographic Information Systems, for Cambridge Seven Associates.


Interpretive Masterplan for Conway Robinson State Forest, Virginia

Visitor interpretation and environmental education program for state forest operated by the Virginia Department of Forestry.


Aquarium Exhibit Design, New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts 

Curator and staff architect for design and implementation of major exhibits, including reconstruction of aquarium's Giant Ocean Tank Exhibit.


Hawaiian Island Aquarium Redevelopment 

Project leader for feasibility study of redesign and expansion of a 1960's vintage aquarium in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Attleboro Industrial Museum 

Attleboro, Massachusetts, programming and feasibility study for the conversion of an early 1900's factory structure to a museum of industry.


Websites for the private sector 

Produced and authored numerous websites for professional service firms. 


Teaching and Facilitation


Data Requirements for the Photovoltaic Industry

Facilitated 2 day workshop sponsored by US DOE on common industry wide needs for data to support development of the solar photovoltaic industry. 


Green Building Opportunities

Facilitated 40 person breakout session at a National Council for Science and Environment Annual Conference in Washington, DC on green building opportunities. 


Green Materials and Methods for Designers

Taught graduate courses in materials and methods and studio course in green design at Corcoran College of Art & Design in Washington, DC. Faculty coordinator for College involvement in US EPA ‘s P3 Expo on the National Mall.


Human Factors for Designers

Taught college courses at the Art Institute of Washington on Human Factors for Designers. Surveyed issues in environmental psychology, proxemics, ergonomics, with emphasis on design for disabilities.


Zero Energy Buildings

Facilitated workshop on Zero Energy Building for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Buildings Program. Goal was to identify technology pathways to achieve zero energy building goals by the year 2020.


Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Workshop Facilitation

Facilitated workshop seeking to align US Department of Energy Office of Heavy Vehicle Technology and program elements with the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act.


Codes and Standards for Truck Stop Electrification

Facilitated Workshop sponsored by US Department of Energy and US EPA, bringing together government and industry representatives to identify issues and strategies to expedite codes and standards for a new truck anti-idling technology.


Clean Cities Program Summit

Facilitated workshop sponsored by US Department of Energy on ways to introduce new programmatic areas, and identify appropriate activities for local Clean Cities portfolios; particularly Truck Stop Electrification.




Sculptor and painter working across a variety including work incorporating microcontrollers and robotics. See Gallery for examples.



Large kinetic environmental sculpture employing weather data to drive robotics systems using microcontrollers.


Push to Spin

Garden sculpture using microcontroller driven LEDs to represent the transition from a combustion driven economy to an electrified one.




Yale University

MES, Environmental Management

School of Environment


University of Washington

M.Arch, Certificate in Urban Design

College of Architecture and Urban Planning


University of Washington

BA, Environmental Design

College of Arts and Sciences


Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sloan School of Management

Executive Program in Product Design and Development


University California at Davis; Center for Entrepreneurship

Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy


Studienforum Berlin

Faculty seminar held in Berlin, addressing the topic of German sustainability initiatives and their applicability to the American social, political and economic environment


Professional Registration and Qualifications


State of Washington, Architecture (#3927)

LEED™ 2.0 Accredited Professional

Member, American Institute of Architects


Community and Pro Bono Service


E8 Angels

Past Board Member and Secretary of Clean Technology Angel Investment Group


Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Washington, Foster School of Business

Advisor and Sponsor of annual student Environmental Innovation Challenge


Social Venture Partners - Seattle

Past member of Environmental Collective Action Grant Committee working to catalyze multi organizational environmental and equity initiatives.


College of Built Environments, University of Washington

Past advisor to Dean’s Committee on a Community Outreach Initiative

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